Ocx file information
File name: wheelcursor10.ocx
Version: 4.02.145
Filesize: 113KB
Description: MS WheelCursor10 Control COM Object
Download wheelcursor10.ocx

Problem: wheelcursor10.ocx error occur when the system is incorrectly configured or critical files are missing. These problems happen when a PC is not maintained properly and should be fixed immediately to avoid further damage.

what is wheelcursor10.ocx

wheelcursor10.ocx is a file extension for a custom control file format used by ActiveX forms. wheelcursor10.ocx is used for interface behaviors that are triggered by users or programs; like resizing windows or scroll bar movement. OCX stands for “OLE control extension.” wheelcursor10.ocx files were first referred to as Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom controls, but are known now as ActiveX controls.

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Installation instructions

Here is complete guide of wheelcursor10.ocxl installation. Read it below and you will know where to put wheelcursor10.ocx. Step one. Unzip wheelcursor10.ocx wherever you want. Step two.Extract wheelcursor10.ocx to your computer. The best is to unzip it to the directory of the program that request wheelcursor10.ocx . In case it doesn't work, you will have to extract wheelcursor10.ocx to your system directory. Default Locations are: C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000) C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP, Vista, 7) In case you are using a 64-bit version of Windows, you should also place it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ Make a backup copy of the original file. Make sure overwrite any existing files. Restart your computer. The problem still occurs? You probably need to register this file so try the following.

register wheelcursor10.ocx / wheelcursor10.ocx not correctly registered

When you distribute a Microsoft Visual FoxPro application that uses an ActiveX control (.ocx file), the .ocx file must be registrieren correctly for it to work correctly. You can use the Microsoft Register Server (Regsvr32.exe) to register a 32- bit .ocx file manually on a 32-bit operating system. In Visual FoxPro 3.0 and 3.0b, Regsvr32.exe is located in the \Vfp\Samples\Ole directory, and in Visual FoxPro 5.0, Regsvr32.exe is located in the \Vfp directory. In Visual FoxPro 6.0, Regsvr32.exe is found in the Distrib.src directory of the Visual FoxPro directory. It may be distributed with a Visual FoxPro application. The syntax for using Regsvr32.exe is as follows:

   Regsvr32 [/u] [/s] 
Note /u means Unregister the .ocx file. /s means Silent Mode (display no messages). The following example registers the Microsoft MAPI ActiveX Control without displaying any messages:
   Regsvr32 /s wheelcursor10.ocx				
To implement this example in a Visual FoxPro application, use the RUN command as follows:
   RUN /N Regsvr32 /s wheelcursor10.ocx				
Note If an error occurs when registering a control, do the following:
  1. Verify in the Registry that the control has not been registered before.
  2. Verify that the following files are in the Windows\System directory:
          mfc30.dll     olepro32.dll     msvcrt20.dll
          mfc40.dll     msvcrt40.dll
    If one of these files is missing, you may receive the following error message:
    Error: OLE Error Code 0x80040112: Appropriate license for this class not found.